Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s crucial to manage your conflicts effectively. In fact, your life depends on it. When left unchecked conflict has the potential to take over our lives, destroy relationships and erode our confidence in the future.

For more than 30 years I have helped people and organizations resolve conflicts as a mediator, facilitator, arbitrator and conflict coach. Most of that work occurred in the late stages of the conflict after much of the damage had been done. While better late than never, I saw businesses go bankrupt, families destroyed, important relationships severed, and fortunes consumed in legal costs.

The most effective way to avoid these issues is to get in front of your conflict before it spirals out of control. With this in mind, I have shifted my focus from late resolution to early intervention to empower people to turn conflict into opportunity.

Inset for Blog Post: Why You Should Get Ahead of Conflict


The Resolution Formula

Conflict is born in our stories of the past about what happened to us and what we make it mean. Resolution occurs when we shift our focus away from fault and blame about the past and how we were impacted, to the future and what we can do about it. This involves our willingness to share our emotions and their meanings fully. The aim here is for understanding rather than a debate about right and wrong.

Based on this shared understanding we can co-create options for resolution that work for both parties’ interests and needs. This shift is difficult and takes careful preparation, but will make all the difference in the end.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”
– Rumi

Please contact us to book a FREE consultation for all your conflict management needs:

[email protected]


Below are some of the services we offer:

  • Conflict Management Coaching.
  • Custom Designed Dispute Resolution Processes.
  • Neutral 3rd Party Mediation and Facilitation,
  • Workshops and Training Programs.